Saturday, February 19, 2022

Research Clusters

 I gave an internal talk at the Topos Institute on the axes of my research,  at the end of last year.  I tried to describe the  research clusters above. 

Yes, the last axis, the lexical resources stuff has been suffering a bit lately, as has the Natural Language inference. This is because the Dialectica Spaces are taking all the 'oxygen' available. Because good things need to happen before our MRC programme gets off the ground soon. Unfortunately the Dialectica spaces are not going very far,  either. 

Some things have been happening, e.g. the two papers with Davide and Matteo  are very cool indeed. and I'm hoping for lots more on the subject.

Elena, Wilmer and I  managed to submit our "Dialectica Petri Nets", which is great. 

Katerina, Livy and I managed to describe some simple, but interesting application of basic transformers technology, i.e. spaCy, to historic text.  Where there's text, there are applications of spaCy, I'm sure.

But by and large I am losing the war. I need to finish my ill-fated research proposal, I need to resubmit the three papers that were rejected last year, I have to prepare two Invited talks, I have  several rounds of reviews that I need to deal with yesterday, I am only half way through with the posts about the DLMPST, the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology.

Also, for this blog, I need to do a similar job to the one I did with Twelve Days of Christmas: I need to see which papers have been written  from my list of talks at Talking the Talk. Also I need to clean up my Overleaf account, update my personal website, my Lattes, my Google site. thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday!

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