Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Choices during a pandemic

Many people are noticing how, instead of feeling less tired, as they do not have to commute to work, the lockdown, the social-distancing, and working from home, is making people more stressed out, more tired than before. While the reasons for this may be obvious for people with little children, it is not so clear why the same would happen to others.

Clearly, some are making bad choices. And whenever choices can be made, I can count on myself to make the bad ones: it's a natural knack I have. But it's also a consequence of the lifestyle of forever acquiring new scientific interests and not letting go of the old ones.

So I thought I wouldn't accept many reviews this year. However, I ended up in the program committees of the ACL2020, AAAI2020, IJCAI2020, ICALP2020, LICS2020, COLING2020, EMNLP2020, as well as organizing  Linearity and TLLA, mentoring at the ACT Summer School and helping out with Women in Logic 2020 and the ACT conference, as well as serving on the thesis committee of Pierre Pradic, phew!!! So this made for three very intense weeks that just went by!

Pierre  wrote a beautiful thesis called "Some proof-theoretical approaches to Monadic Second-Order logic" which uses ideas from Dialectica categories. I hope to come back to his work soon! 

This week I also had a talk in the Melbourne Logic Seminar on ``Dialectica Models of the Lambek Calculus", invited by Shawn Standefer. Thanks Shawn!

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