Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Papers about our Portuguese WordNet

We need to add a proper bibliography to the webpage of our project OpenWordNet-PT.

Here are some things that need to be in there. I guess we should have one list for the work on the resource itself and one for applications? I don't know quite yet.

  1. de Paiva, Valeria, Fabricio Chalub, Livy Real, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2016. “Making Virtue Of Necessity: a Verb Lexicon.” In PROPOR – International Conference On the Computational Processing of Portuguese. Tomar, Portugal.Details
  2. Chalub, Fabricio, Livy Real, Alexandre Rademaker, and Valeria de Paiva. 2016. “Semantic Links For Portuguese.” In 10th Edition Of Its Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Portoroz, Slovenia.Details
  3. Real, Livy and Valeria de Paiva, "Plurality in Wordnets". In Proceedings of the LexSem+Logics Workshop 2016,  arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.04767, Tomar, Portugal.
  4. de Paiva, Valeria and Livy Real,  "Universal POS Tagging for Portuguese: Issues and Opportunities". In Proceedings of the LexSem+Logics Workshop 2016arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.04767, Tomar, Portugal.
  5. Real, Livy, Valeria de Paiva, Fabricio Chalub, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2016. “Gentle With Gentilics.” In Joint Second Workshop On Language and Ontologies (LangOnto2) and Terminology and Knowledge Structures (TermiKS) (Co-Located with LREC 2016). Slovenia.Details
  6. de Paiva, Valeria, Livy Real, Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira, Alexandre Rademaker, Cláudia Freitas, and Alberto Simões. 2016. “An Overview of Portuguese WordNets.” In Global Wordnet Conference 2016. Bucharest, Romenia.Details
  7. Real, Livy, Fabricio Chalub, Valeria de Paiva, Claudia Freitas, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2015. “Seeing Is Correcting: Curating Lexical Resources Using Social Interfaces.” In Proceedings Of 53rd Annual Meeting of The Association for Computational Linguistics and The 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing - Fourth Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Resources and Applications (LDL 2015). Beijing, China.Details
  8. Rademaker, Alexandre, Dário Augusto Borges Oliveira, Valeria de Paiva, Suemi Higuchi, Asla Medeiros e Sá, and Moacyr Alvim. 2015. “A Linked Open Data Architecture for the Historical Archives of the Getulio Vargas Foundation.” International Journal On Digital Libraries 15 (2-4). Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 153–67. doi:10.1007/s00799-015-0147-1.Details
  9. Oliveira, Hugo Gonçalo, Valeria de Paiva, Cláudia Freitas, Alexandre Rademaker, Livy Real, and Alberto Simões. 2015. “As Wordnets Do Português.” Oslo Studies In Language 7 (1): 397–424.Details
  10. de Paiva, Valeria, Dário Oliveira, Suemi Higuchi, Alexandre Rademaker, and Gerard De Melo. 2014. “Exploratory Information Extraction From a Historical Dictionary.” In IEEE 10th International Conference On e-Science (e-Science), 2:11–18. IEEE. doi:
  11. Real, Livy, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2014. “Extending NomLex-PT Using AnCora-Nom.” In Proceedings Of Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish (ToRPorEsp), edited by Laura Alonso Alemany, Muntsa Padró, Alexandre Rademaker, and Aline Villavicencio. São Carlos, Brazil: Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Computação, UFMG, Brazil.
  12. de Paiva, Valeria, Cláudia Freitas, Livy Real, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2014. “Improving The Verb Lexicon of OpenWordnet-PT.” In Proceedings Of Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish (ToRPorEsp), edited by Laura Alonso Alemany, Muntsa Padró, Alexandre Rademaker, and Aline Villavicencio. São Carlos, Brazil: Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Computação, UFMG, Brazil.       

  13. Freitas, Cláudia, Valeria de Paiva, Alexandre Rademaker, Gerard de Melo, Livy Real, and Anne de Araujo Correia da Silva. 2014. “Extending a Lexicon Of Portuguese Nominalizations with Data from Corpora.” In Computational Processing Of the Portuguese Language, 11th International Conference, PROPOR 2014, edited by Jorge Baptista, Nuno Mamede, Sara Candeias, Ivandré Paraboni, Thiago A. S. Pardo, and Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes. São Carlos, Brazil: Springer.Details
  14. de Paiva, Valeria, Livy Real, Alexandre Rademaker, and Gerard de Melo. 26ADAD. “NomLex-PT: A Lexicon Of Portuguese Nominalizations.” In Proceedings Of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), edited by Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Hrafn Loftsson, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis. Reykjavik, Iceland: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).Details
  15. Real, Livy, Alexandre Rademaker, Valeria de Paiva, and Gerard de Melo. 2014. “Embedding NomLex-BR Nominalizations into OpenWordnet-PT.” In Proceedings Of the 7th Global WordNet Conference, edited by Heili Orav, Christiane Fellbaum, and Piek Vossen, 378–82. Tartu, Estonia.
  16. Rademaker, Alexandre, Valeria de Paiva, Gerard de Melo, Livy Real, and Maira Gatti. 2014. “OpenWordNet-PT: A Project Report.” In Proceedings Of the 7th Global WordNet Conference, edited by Heili Orav, Christiane Fellbaum, and Piek Vossen. Tartu, Estonia.
  17. de Paiva, Valeria, Alexandre Rademaker, and Gerard de Melo. 2012. “OpenWordNet-PT: An Open Brazilian Wordnet For Reasoning.” In Proceedings Of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, 353–60. Mumbai, India: The COLING 2012 Organizing Committee.
  18. de Paiva, Valeria, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2012. “Revisiting a Brazilian WordNet.” In Proceedings of Global Wordnet Conference. Matsue: Global Wordnet Association.Details

Some Workshops we organized:

1.  Logics and Ontologies for Portuguese

November, 21-25th 2011, FGV, Rio de Janeiro.

2. Workshop on Logics and Ontologies for Natural Language (LogOnto)

September 22, 2014, Associated with FOIS2014, Rio de Janeiro.

3. Third Workshop on Logics and Ontologies, 

 First Workshop on Lexical Semantics for Lesser-Resourced Languages

LexSem+Logics 2016

13th July, 2016,Tomar, Portugal.


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