Looking at noun-noun compounds in the representation language associated to TIL (Textual Inference Logic, described in Contexts for Quantification) and trying to decide which modifications one
should make to the Abstract Knowledge Representation(AKR) treatment, if any.
1. AKR takes the view that given a noun-noun compound (like 'chocolate box') there is a relation between the two nouns, which we don't know what it is, (only using language), so we leave it unspecified.
{a Brad Pitt movie}
{a Tarantino movie}
{a James Bond movie}
{a tv program}
{a tv show}
{a birth certificate}
{a chocolate box}
role(nn_element, HEAD, MOD)
instantiable(HEAD, cxt)
instantiable(MOD, cxt)
where MOD is the modifier noun.
Clearly the line between noun-noun compounds that should be lexicalized in any generic ontology and the ones that should not is a very fluid one. Many people complain that WordNet does not have all the nn-compounds it should and the literature on nn-compounds (but more generally in multi-word expressions) is huge.
% Choices:
[choice([A1,A2], 1)
Conceptual Structure:
Contextual Structure:
The representation above has two solutions: we have one concept in the solution that says that {birth_certificate} is a single entity, and two concepts in the more generic interpretation of birth certificate that says that there is a noun "birth" and a noun "certificate" and we don't know what exactly is the relationship between the two.
When nn-compounds are lexicalized (like birth-certificate or tv-show) then maybe there is only a single concept, but it seems that there should be a range, some expressions really a single concept, others very weak relation between the nouns and others between the extremes.
It seems to me that, in principle the semantic mapping should produce for any nn-compound a pair of concepts: the concepts associated to the HEAD noun, and MOD(ifier) noun and an {underspecified relation between these} concepts, that gets resolved. Either:
(role(nn_element,show-7,TV-4)) and the lexicalized concept
Thus the mapping to the ontology for a phrase like {a French actress} should always go to a concept
for actress, suitably modified by whatever meaning we think the adjective brings in.
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