Sunday, January 5, 2020

All things Rust

Well, this was the best news a while ago (in 2016), thanks Alan Jeffrey!

The slide above was taken from Alan's invited talk at LOLA 2016, Rust for Semanticists (slides in

But I don't think I have made a big song and dance about it in this blog. If I did, I cannot find it now. And I wanted to show it to a young friend, who was asking about PhDs in theoretical computer science. yeah, I had misunderstood his question: he isn't interested in Programming Languages research (shame!) but in Algorithms. oh well, can't win them all.

Now it's sad to notice that most of the work that I did just after my PhD was never published in official venues, i.e proper journals. This was because I was too busy thinking of new stuff, getting married, having kids, trying to find jobs. Some of it was lack of strategic thinking too. So it's particularly nice when someone else recognizes it and calls it out. Now I wonder what else people have been doing with the semantics of Rust, need to check up.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Pleasant Surprise in December

I was looking for ways of doing NER (Named Entity Recognition) in Portuguese and discovered that the spaCy guys have developed an open-source NER system for Portuguese  using our work on Universal Dependencies for Portuguese (paper in

This was a great surprise! I love it!!!

I worry as I don't think the corpus Bosque is good enough. It is small and somewhat old and full of mistakes, but still, the numbers for NER are very good:

NER F 89.18
NER Precision 89.32
NER Recall 89.03