Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Ada Lovelace Day 2024: Annie Zaenen


This Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) blog post is long overdue. ALD was only yesterday, but I meant to write this blog post a long time ago. The tradition of ALD is that women should do something to commemorate the fact that women are still considered second class citizens in this day and age on Ada Lovelace Day.

It can be a very small thing (like this overdue post) or it can be something  that requires more effort  like organizing a meeting and/or talking to many people about the issues. I have produced ALD blog posts celebrating heroes of mine since 2011. A recap of the first ten years was in Ada Lovelace Day 2021. Another overdue ALD post was Andree Ehresmann in 2023, but  I should have had one for Annie a while back. Maybe the issue was that Annie is foremost a linguist and people tend of think of linguistics as not being mathematical enough. Well, they're wrong.

Making Annie my Ada Lovelace hero for 2024 is overdue, but the world at large has been paying attention to Annie's work. Next week she's getting an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Konstanz, Germany. Here's the website with the program for the workshop associated to it

Miriam Butt and Tracy Halloway King are organizing the party!


 I just have to make sure that I manage to get there, not a triviality with my track record.

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