Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ada Lovelace Day in December?



My Ada Lovelace heroine of 2023 is
Andrée C. Ehresmann from the
Université de Picardie Jules Verne 

(Photo by Rabatakeu CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia)

"Better late, than never," I say. Yes, Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is in October, and it varies a little each year, a convenient leeway, for chronically late people, like myself. This year I have less of an excuse, as I had decided to honour Andrée in July already. But the year was hectic, in a good way, so I didn't get around to posting my ALD "hommage" so far. But today is the last day of the year, so here it goes, before the clock chimes, and we change back into pumpkins.

Andrée has been a role model for me in many ways. She's been a mathematician for longer than I have been alive, and I am very old indeed. She has this awesome description of her research work in her webpage. I share with her a diversified academic career (I will try to imitate the lovely graph below) and a love for category theory and its explanatory power.

I have meant to write about Andrée before. In 10/27/2016 I posted a message of Marta Bunge's in the blog "Women in Logic". Like today's post, that one was hastily written, rushing to some function or something else. But at least it was written and records my indebtedness to Marta and her friendship to me and to Andrée. So I could write lots about Andrée's work, but you can look at her pages, the "Cahiers" work for more than 40 years, and the lovely diagram above. So I'd rather leave you with Marta's words in 2016 and a picture of Marta, since I have not mourned her absence enough. The volume celebrating her work is now almost totally ready, so I will be writing more about Marta soon. She wrote:

"There is recently an article in the journal Nature about the presence of women in science and on how to improve what seems to be an unfair situation, which I believe. I hope that someone more qualified than I can do this since I believe it is important for our field. Without a shadow of a doubt I consider Andree C. Ehresmann as someone who has done a lot for our field - not just by continuing the work of Charles Ehresmann by publishing his Oeuvres Completes and continuing with the journal Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle (Categoriques), but by encouraging many researchers in our field - both men and women. She certainly deserves mention as a woman and a mathematician. I leave you with that. All the best."

Happy New Year!

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