Saturday, July 18, 2020

Crazy Bird in Pandemic

This crazy bird has been fighting its own image in my bathroom window every day since the beginning of the pandemic, starting around 5:30 am. Every single day. A series of thumps, when it tries to fight itself and loses the fight against itself, several times a day. Yes, a whole series of new self-defeating metaphors is always unfolding on my mind when I wake up to this inglorious battle.

We've tried everything to dissuade it from attacking its own image, the only thing that worked was covering the whole window in Manila paper. I thought that high summer would calm it down and took the Manila paper off. oh well, it hasn't worked at all.

By now I am fairly convinced that one of the non-existent Deities on Duty has decided that I do have to live through this bird's nightmare, as a form of punishment. please send comforting thoughts!


  1. Esse comportamento é mais comum na primavera, quando as aves nidificam, e é indicativo de proteção de território. A ave vê reflexos no interior da casa e os "interpreta" como outra ave.

    1. Pois e', Frank! eu sei, por isso tirei o papel manilha, pensando que agora as coisas ja' teriam se resolvido. mas nao, o coitado do passarinho (ou algum dos seus primos) continua bicando ele mesmo, sem parar! da' uma pena!

  2. Não apareceu o autor do comentário: Frank Sautter, lógico e observador de aves.
