I wanted to make a list of the videos I've recorded recently.
I thought this would be what a youtube channel meant: a place where you put your own videos. I simply wanted to copy these videos from some other places. For example the talk I gave in the Logic SuperGroup, the one in the Proof Theory Seminar, the one at the MIT Category Theory, etc.
And it's probably just me being stupid, but this seems very hard to do.
Ok, the videos are very big and take a lot of space and of time to process. But surely, there must be an easy way to do something like what I want.
Anyways for the time being, here's just a collection of links to talks I've given.
1. Structural and Distributional Meaning Representations Logicos em Quarentena SBL
2. Dialectica Categories for the Lambek Calculus Logic Super Group
3. Natural Language Inference for Humans women+@DCS Sheffield
4. Benchmarking Linear Logic Proofs Augusta Colloquium
5. Relevant Dialectica Categories MIT Category Seminar
6. GraphKR Semantic Parsing for Portuguese Fundacao Getulio Vargas
7. Benchmarking Linear Logic Proofs Proof theory Seminar
8. Dialectica Categories: the mathematical version BACAT Meet-up
9. Ontologies and Semantics for Portuguese Painel Ontobras
10. PUC-Rio: Digital Technologies and the Areas of Human Knowledge
11. World Logic Day video Ambassador of Logic
12. A semantica nossa de cada dia EBCT
13. Categorical Models for Explicit Substitutions UnB
14. Entre a cruz e a caldeirinha Brasileiras no PLN
15. LL for Constructive Mathematics Working Logician
16. Dialectica and Kolmogorov Problems Finding the Right Abstractions
17. Constructive Modalities Celebrating Women in Mathematics
We also organized Logica e Representatividade in 14 January 2021 and I was invited to the Emilia's Podcast, which was a blast. Many thanks to Adolfo Neto e Maria Claudia Emer for the fun chat!
oh, thanks! I'd missed the suggestion, I will investigate!