So I recommend keeping at least one or two problems 'on the go' at all times. This, to my mind can be effective, especially in emotionally charged situations like the holidays. All this accounting of things accomplished or not, opportunities taken or missed, goals and deadlines swashing by, can lead to cyclic feelings of inadequacy. We don't need that, we have enough work to do. Our work is cut-out for us!
Friday, December 24, 2021
White Christmas
People don't usually remember to consider mathematics as a protector shield against bad thoughts. But it is one of its less well-known good side-effects. The son wouldn't say so, as the problems he tackles are human problems, which I find much harder and more important. But what he said yesterday could've come straight from one of my attempts to explain the kind of mathematics I do: we seek patterns and structure, because this is the way humans have to survive the chaos that's life.
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