Need to discover what is written in our these papers/notes below. And need to decide what to improve and how to go about it...
Update: Just re-read this and should explain that I actually have helped writing these papers... :)
It's just that I get confused on which one is which and I don't think I have final versions of them all, so what I mean is that I need to get final versions out of gmail/dropbox/etc... and try to map out a way to carry on with this project.
the papers are:
de Paiva, Valeria, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2012. “Revisiting a Brazilian WordNet”. In Proceedings of Global Wordnet Conference. Matsue: Global Wordnet Association.more
Haeusler, Edward Hermann, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2011. “Intuitionistic Description Logic and Legal Reasoning”. In XVI The Brazilian Logic Conference. Petrópolis.more
Update: Just re-read this and should explain that I actually have helped writing these papers... :)
It's just that I get confused on which one is which and I don't think I have final versions of them all, so what I mean is that I need to get final versions out of gmail/dropbox/etc... and try to map out a way to carry on with this project.
the papers are:

Haeusler, Edward Hermann, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2011. “Intuitionistic Description Logic and Legal Reasoning”. In XVI The Brazilian Logic Conference. Petrópolis.more
Haeusler, Edward Hermann, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2011. “Intuitionistic Description Logic and Legal Reasoning”. In 2011 Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA, International Workshops. Toulouse: IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/DEXA.2011.46.more
de Paiva, Valeria, Edward Hermann Haeusler, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2011. “Constructive Description Logics Hybrid-Style”. Electronic Notes In Theoretical Computer Science 273: 21–31.more
Haeusler, Edward Hermann, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2010. “Using Intuitionistic Logic As a Basis For Legal Ontologies”. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop On Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence Techniques. Fiesole (Florence): European University Institute.more
Haeusler, Edward Hermann, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2010. “Using Intuitionistic Logic As a Basis For Legal Ontologies”. Informatica E Diritto (Journal On Informatics and Law) 1: 289–298.more
Haeusler, Edward Hermann, Valeria de Paiva, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2010. “Intuitionistic Logic and Legal Ontologies”. In Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-682-9-
de Paiva, Valeria, Edward Hermann Haeusler, and Alexandre Rademaker. 2010. “Constructive Description Logic, Hybrid-Style”. In Pre-Proceedings of International Workshop On Hybrid Logic and Applications. Edinburgh.more
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